Today 28th September will be my last week before i end my job as Temp.Field Staff after 6 months working. The point is, there's nothing much i have to do within this week. Maybe God let me to have a peaceful break before i began to work next month. hehehe...may be ^__^. Due to my free time, so I read some readers stories on Mother Teresa (M.T) (I guess my viewers could be bored reading my blog because many times I wrote new post and M.T's name always appeared in my blog. Well guys, what to do. She's my inspirational and lots of my thoughts is through her words too. I'm not going to be holy but she's really inspiring person for me and for you also right?)

Actually, my thoughts today was SIMPLICITY. Why? I've read on some readers stories on M.T and suddenly my eyes captured on these word. It's remind me of my phone welcoming note "simplicity-the foundation of my life". I like it.:-). but at the same time it also remind me of the fight between my closest friend and me. We argued so much on this word. My friend really disagree with my opinions on simplicity in life. I hate it :-(.

I still remember his arguments on life. "Life should not just simple or ordinary". You have it all and why should you let go all the opportunities of great life? ..that was really poked my heart and of course i felt down. As if being insulted and my point of view on life is not acceptable at all. Who is he to judge my point of view?? hey, that's my views and it is my way. Is it wrong for me to choose the way my life should be? Do we have to live as greater, as richer, as luxurious as we could? Even though we can afford a greater life but is it necessary to live in that way?

You said that human should have great life especially in today's world  of Science and Technology advancement. In the past children doesn't have good life, not enough foods(nutrition), no proper clothes and lack of education. I do agreed with you but i don't agree when u too over-greater in life. As if 'all are all great'..But for me simple is more than enough..yes we need proper food for the next generation so that they will have good health, stamina, energy and so on for their study. But is it achievable enough when we have a very great and  luxurious life? Do you know exactly what is the meaning of great life? Do you know how to live happily with a luxurious and greater life as you said?
Not all people in this world have greater life in term of money but they still live life happily. Money is not everything my dear. Of course you can buy many things in this world and you can buy this world also if you want. But you cannot buy true happiness and true love because both are not a things to be bought. Both are to be sought and to be appreciated. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. We may have different views in life but differences always make things perfect. Indeed,nobody is perfect! my life will be simple as i want it to be and your life maybe not as mine but no matter how different we are, we still living in the same world, same earth, same universe. :-)
Have a good day dear.God Bless you in whatever life you choose.

When You Believe by Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston

There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe

I Forgive You


They may think I'm insane
How could I forgive you
For causing me all this pain

You Knew that I loved you
You Knew that I cared
Maybe that's the reason
Maybe you're just scared

Maybe I pushed too hard
Maybe we went too fast
Maybe that's the reason
That our love didn't last

Or maybe it wasn't me
Maybe it was just your game
Just playing with my heart
Causing me worlds of pain

But there's something that's not a maybe
Something that I know is true
Its something that I owe you
And its a Big "Thank You"

Thank You for giving me Happiness
Thank You for giving me Love
Thank You for being my Angel
The one God sent from Above

Thank You for showing me Life
Thank You for opening my Eyes
Thank You for supporting Me
Thank You for staying by my Side

And all of these things
They all come from you
So Angel, Thanks...
And I Forgive You

Surviving Life

1. Smoky Mountain at Manila, Philippines.

It is a large rubbish dump in Manila. Consisting of over two million tonnes of waste, it has operated for more than 40 years and is known for decomposing at such high temperatures that it will catch fire, a fact from which the location derives its name. Indeed, fires at Smoky Mountain have caused many deaths. Smoky Mountain has a large squatter community, and it is estimated that 30,000 people live near the site, and make their living from picking through the rubbish at Smoky Mountain.
2. The City of Peace, Calcutta India

 "I suddenly got dizzy. I felt exhausted and confused. I scanned the images in front of my eyes, but I had a hard time realizing what was happening. This was not the reality I knew. There was too much chaos and too much poverty all around" (from the book by:Anne-Marie M Pop). India has a great number of lepers. In order to help these people, Mother Teresa and the other sisters has established Shanti Nagar which is called The City of Peace where sick and healed lepers are cared for, learn a job, find work.

Those people in both place really trying to survive as hard as they can even though they have to go through a very 'superb' difficulties in life. Compare to you and I, what kind of living we have and how we fulfill it? Let us reflect our lives together. As for these people, as long as they still have the God breaths, they will always do the best for their living. Let us pray for them. May God blessing will always with them and protect them no matter how hard their life it is. They might be the poor among the others mankind but God's LOVE for them is above all the richest in this entire world.
Prayer is the best gift of love you can give anyone you love (blessed Teresa of Calccuta)

No One Sees The Tears Of A Girl Who Pretends To Be Happy

Have you ever wondered which hurts more, saying something & wishing u hadn't or saying nothing and wishing you had? Trust can take years to build, but only a second to break. Well,"Labels belong on soup cans only not people". In you life you meet people. some you never think about again, some you wonder what happened to them, there are some that you wonder if they ever think about you and then there are some you wish you never had to think about again... but you do actually.

I guess the reason we cherish memories so much, is because they're the only things in life that never change.It's amazing, when some people, they just say these small little things, one sentence and it changes the way you feel about them in an instant. just small little words that can hurt you so much or make you fall deeply in love forever. It changes everything. Nothing between you is ever really the same again. Even if they don't know it, it still happens. But, time goes by so fast. People come and go, in and out of your life n you must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you.

You know what? The most wasted day is in that in which we never laughed "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it" . A friend of mine ever told me don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. Don't ever be reluctant to show your feelings when your happy. When you’re not, live with it. Don't ever be afraid to try to make things better, you might be surprised with the results.Don't ever take the weight of the world on your shoulders. Don't ever feel guilty about the past, what's done is done. Don't ever stop loving, don't ever stop believing, don't ever stop dreaming your dreams.It's never going to get easier"..and i heard it again and again from different people. but of course it's true.

There is never going to be an escape plan to pain because no matter how much I try no matter how much I cry my life is never going to go back to the way it used to be, because I know I can't just shut the door to your bedroom and hope everything disappears I know that I can't stop myself from hoping that you will one day walk in the front door and smile as if nothing happened. I know that there will be days that it will be hard to get out of bed and look people in the eye and lie when they ask how I am. I know that its going to hurt for the rest of my life and that I will always cry.

I just wish I could say the same for me. "Letting go isn't blocking memories or thinking sad thoughts, and doesn't leave emptiness, hurt, or sadness. It's not about giving in or giving up. Letting go isn't about loss and it's not about defeat. To let go is to cherish the memories, but to overcome and move on. It is having an open mind confidence in the future. Letting go is learning and experiencing and growing. To let go is to be thankful for the experiences that made you laugh, made you cry, and made you grow". It's about all that you have, all that you had, and all that you will soon gain. Letting go is having the courage to accept change, and the strength to keep moving. Letting go is growing up. It is realizing that the heart can sometimes be the most potent remedy. To let go is to open a door, and to clear a path and set you free.Maybe our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while so that we can see life with a clearer view again. No one sees the tears of a girl who pretends to be happy.

There are all kinds of courage. It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. No matter how hard you try to get over someone, you will still have some sort of feeling for them, remembering the ways things used to be, and how they are now. And you sometimes hope that the new person in their life was still you, and everything was how it used be, erasing all the bad things that happened.

A Song from My Heart

From within my heart a spring bursts forth,
a cacophony of sounds and pictures,
a song is forming, this song is both new and old,
like a running bubbling stream that never dries up,
i send up my praises to Him in private,
He is my God and Creator,
He knows what is hidden inside us all.

There are times when i feel lost and no one seems to care,
so i turn to my God for a ray of hope,
a light to guide my path and will always trust in Him,
though i shall walk alone in this journey,
and the way is long and treacherous,
i will not be too afraid because He is my saviour and protector.

Nobody has seen the Creator,
but still we can see His signature and reflection everywhere,
i see how great His handiwork is,
however wise or clever we can be
we cannot even begin to comprehend His ways of doing things,
even i lived for thousand of years looking for wisdom,
i still will not understand God.
i admit that my life is not easy,
none would envy it,
but i have many things to thank God for,
i can hear and appreciate good music,
i can smell the flowers,
and see His wonderful works,
but most of all i thank God for being so kind and merciful to me,
for being patient with all my complaints and ingratitude.
i also thank Him for so many blessings that i received,
and you, my friends are among those that i count as blessings.

by Susanna Chung from her book entitled Walls & Friends

"The way the Lord take care of us"

Mazmur 55:23 : "Serahkanlah khuatirmu kepada Tuhan, maka Ia akan memelihara engkau. Tidak untuk selama-lamanya dibiarkan-Nya orang benar itu goyah"

This story was shared by a doctor from the Denver Metro Hospitals USA:

Saya dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah dari sebuah pertemuan sore ini sekitar pukul 5, terjebak dalam kesesakan jalan di Colorado Boulevard, dan tiba-tiba mobil saya mulai tersendat-sendat dan akhirnya mati - dengan susah payah saya bisa mendekati sebuah pompa bensin, lega karena saya tidak menghalangi jalan dan mencari tempat hangat untuk menunggu mobil derek. Tapi tidak ada yang mau berhenti. Sebelum saya mulai menilpon, saya melihat seorang wanita berjalan keluar dari sebuah minimart, dan ia terpeleset di jalan es dan jatuh didekat pompa bensin, saya bergegas ke ibu ini untuk melihat apakah ia baik-baik saja.

Ketika saya tiba disana, terlihat bahwa ia sedang tersedu-sedu lebih karena sedih bukannya karena jatuh; ia adalah seorang gadis muda yang kelihatan begitu awut-awutan dengan lingkaran hitam disekitar matanya. Ia menjatuhkan sesuatu ketika saya membantu ia bangun, dan saya ambil untuk diberikan ke dia. Ternyata uang logam satu nikel.

Saat itu, saya jadi menyimpulkan: wanita menangis, Suburban tua yang dipenuhi dengan barang-barang dan 3 anak dibelakang (1 di tempat duduk depan) , dan meteran pompa menunjukkan $4.95.

Saya bertanya apakah semuanya baik-baik saja dan apakah ia membutuhkan bantuan, dan ia lalu berkata 'Saya tidak ingin anak saya melihat saya menangis!, jadi kita berdiri menjauh dari mobilnya kebalik pompa. Ia bercerita bahwa ia lagi menuju ke California dan situasinya sangat sulit buat dia saat ini. Saya bertanya, 'Apakah anda berdoa?' Ia mundur sedikit, tapi saya yakinkan bahwa saya bukan orang gila dan berkata, 'IA mendengar kamu, dan IA mengirim saya.'

Saya mengambil kartu kredit saya dan menggesek di card reader dari pompa tersebut sehingga mobil wanita itu bisa terisi penuh, sementara bensin nya diisi, saya berjalan ke McDonald disebelah dan membeli 2 kantung besar makanan, beberapa voucher untuk dipakai nanti, dan segelas besar kopi. Ia memberikan makanan itu kepada anaknya, yang langsung menyambar seperti serigala kelaparan, dan kita berdiri disebelah pompa sambil memakan kentang dan berbicara sedikit.

Ia memberitahu namanya, menceritakan bahwa ia tinggal di kota Kansas. Teman laki-lakinya meninggalkan nya 2 bulan yang lalu sehingga ia tidak bisa memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari. Ia juga tahu bahwa ia tidak akan bisa membayar sewa rumah bulan Januari nanti. Dan dalam keadan putus asa ia menelefon orang tuanya yang tidak pernah dihubunginya selama 5 tahun. Mereka tinggal di California dan akhirnya setuju untuk dia tinggal dengan mereka sampai ia bisa mencari uang disana.

Jadi ia mengemas semua barangnya kedalam mobil milik satu-satunya. Ia memberitahu anak-anaknya bahwa mereka akan ke California untuk merayakan natal, tetapi tidak memberitahu bahwa mereka akan tinggal disana.

Saya berikan sarung tangan saya, memberikan pelukan kecil dan membacakan sebuah doa cepat bersama dia agar ia selamat dalam perjalanannya. Ketika saya berjalan menuju mobil saya, ia bertanya, 'Apakah, anda malaikat atau apa?'

Ini yang membuat saya terharu. Saya berkata, 'Ibu, saat ini malaikat sangat sibuk, sehingga kadang-kadang TUHAN memakai orang biasa.'

Adalah sangat mengharukan untuk menjadi bagian dari keajaiban seseorang. Dan ternyata, anda sudah bisa menebak, ketika saya menuju ke mobil, mobilnya bisa langsung distarter dan pulang kerumah tanpa masalah. Saya akan kebengkel besok untuk memeriksakan, tapi saya kira teknisi tidak akan mendapatkan sesuatu yang salah.

Kadang-kadang Malaikat terbang sangat dekat dengan anda sehingga anda bisa mendengar getaran sayapnya...

May God Bless You

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May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half truths, superficial relationships, so that you will live deep within your heart.

May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people so that you will work for justice, equality and peace.

May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation and war, so that you will reach out your hand to comfort them and change their pain into joy.

And may God bless you with the foolishness to think that you can make a difference in the world, so that you will do the things which others tell you cannot be done.

The Dream

He gently opened his eyes and the warm sun beat upon his face. He lay among the soft caress of the grass and a gentle wind embraced him. His father sat underneath a tree a few feet way beside the babbling brook.

"You are awake," his father smiled.

"I fell asleep dad."

"You did my son."

"I had a dream dad."

His father rose and sat beside him. "Do you want to tell me about it?"

"It was so real dad. I dreamt of missiles falling from the sky and little kids, even younger than I getting killed and maimed. The world was in a bad state. Millions were poor dad, not even with enough to eat. There were homeless people and destitute. There were huge storms and hurricanes and all types of disasters happening. People were fighting all of the time – over land, possessions, oil and money. Rainforests were dying dad and animals of all types were in danger and the earth was actually heating up! And I dreamt of growing up in this world and I was having happy times and sad times. And I lived a life dad. I did! I had a wife and kids and it was crazy fast you know. Everything went so quickly. And I felt so much. I was scared, full of joy, there was fear and hope. And so many times I felt helpless. And a lot of the time I felt so lonely. Worst of all dad, I didn't know where you were. I kinda knew you were there somewhere and I kept calling out for you. In fact sometimes I gave up hope and told myself that you didn't exist at all. But deep down I had a feeling you were somewhere. As I grew older I stopped searching for you out there and started looking within. Which was strange really but I kinda felt you were a part of me dad just as I was a part of you. It was full on dad and then I just woke up!"

His father looked at him with love in his wise eyes. "That’s some dream son!"

"How long was I asleep dad?"

"Mmmmmm perhaps 5 minutes... not much more."

"Wow! All of that in 5 minutes?"

The son looked knowingly at his dad for awhile.

"Dad that was my first dream."

"I know son... and your last... if you so choose."


"Yes my son?"

"Did you know I was dreaming?"

"Why yes, of course."

The son reflected on this for a moment.

"So dad, during the bad parts of the dream did you know I was suffering?"

"My son, you may have appeared to be suffering in the dream but were always perfectly safe with me here."

"You could have woken me?"

"I could, but I didn't. You would have woken with a start. It would have been a little frightening for you that way. You gently came out of the dream yourself. You choose to enter the dream state. It is best if you choose to exit."

The son stretched out on the grass.


"Yes my son."

"I love you."

"I know, my child. We are love."

(a story shared by Diarmuid Cronin)

Greatest gift..

God is good as He gave me a very beautiful gift in this world. It's not because he just gave me you but it is because he gave me the feeling to loved and sharing these loves with others. My biggest grateful is when He created me to be born in this beautiful world and the most greatest gift i ever had is my family. No words could express how glad I am for having them. That was my greatest gift I ever had. Thank you Lord. sometime I do feeling down with You. well, human being make mistakes. But i realize “Though our feelings come and go, God’s love for us does not.” yes! it is so true. Loves between mankind will come and go. as for me, I'm facing a lot of heartbroken in relationship and for that i felt very unlucky person in this world. but as i think deeply in my prayer, only God be with me all the time especially in my sorrow, when I'm hurt badly and when i cry like hell. what a pathetic life i had;(. my family and friend support me with lots of spiritual words and i know God also strengthen me. Oo what a big loves i have actually. I maybe lost one love but I receive more and more loves from God through people around me. this is how God works. He work through people surrounding us. trust me. at time u feel down, do one thing. PRAY. u will never know the power of prayer;). And for me, the everlasting love in this entire world is only belong to Him whose loves us without no end. Do we ever think what have we gave to God as a gift? “What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.” supposed to be that way rite? ;)
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God Gives.God Takes.


appreciate every single moment with God gift