Being Salt and Light in the world
Be the "salt and light" in the world (Mt5:13,14)                                                                                                                     

Pause for Thought :  Start off by thinking for a moment where your influencing opportunities are.  There will be many more than you may at first realize.  Jot down a list of the times and places where you come into contact with other people. Next think about some unrealized opportunities - chances that you have to come into contact with others within the community that would be relatively simple to do. Thirdly, go back through this list and reflect for a moment on which offer the greatest opportunity to influence others : 

Jesus challenges us to be salt and light - to influence the world, and to be seen to be doing so...

1 Response to

July 3, 2011 at 6:16 PM

Well said...:) - Leroy

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