I know God will not give me anything I can't handle.

Dear God,
This is hard for me. i'm so sorry for questioning You. I do believe You know what i've been faces right now. You know how hard is for me to build my strength and my confidence. I really upset for the things that already happen. What should I do Lord? everything is been written by You. I wish i could know what is my destiny & where should i belong to. I guess i'm just pretending all this while to be happy all the time. but sometime people misjudgment with my condition. Lord, is this the end of our relationship? I wish it is not the end of our relationship.I'm asking for Your blessing dear God. ;-( Lord, i always believe that there will always a reason lies behind things that happen. I truly believe You will never give me any obstacles or temptation that i couldn't handle. 'Terjadilah seperti yang Engkau kehendaki' Amen.

My Dear Lord
I pray to you for your help to bring back my partner and my love. I pray that your intervention will make things good again and that we will both be more understanding and talk to each other. With your help and guidance my Lord I know that we can do so much good together not just for ourselves but for others as well. Please Heavenly Father help us to get back together soon.You have helped and guided me throughout my life and I beg for your help this time. I love you and thank you My Lord. Amen

1 Response to I know God will not give me anything I can't handle.

July 11, 2010 at 3:24 AM

Amen. Have Faith in Him. :-)

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